Thus far Jamie and I have had a very busy spring and summer filled with trips, celebrations, weddings, doctor appointments, and baby preparations which has left us with very little time for anything else including blogging. That isn't to say we have not wanted to do so, but hopefully by reading this post we can catch up on the status of the twins as well as with us.
As detailed in a
previous post May began with a bang when two of Jamie’s friends threw her a baby shower. The following weekend (May 14
th) Jamie and I flew to Pittsburgh, PA to attend
Carnegie Mellon’s spring commencement ceremony. While I am in the process of completing my last class, Carnegie Mellon has the Silicon Valley students participate in the large graduation ceremony prior to finishing the coursework. Pittsburgh is a great town with plenty to do. On top of seeing the sites in Pittsburgh it was nice to visit CMU and get a feel for the campus. Even though Jamie was six months pregnant
Southwest Airlines was very accommodating making the flights much easier. Even with the extra leg room Jamie could not believe how swollen her ankles were after the trip. She had to lay with them up for a day to get the swelling to go down.
We spent Memorial Day weekend on another trip, this time by car to Durango, CO for the
Iron Horse Bicycle Classic. Iron Horse is a bicycle race from Durango, CO to Silverton, CO spanning two mountain passes. Almost every year I ride in this event, but due to a lack of training was unable to do so this year. Jamie’s dad did participate and enjoyed some of the best weather the event has ever seen. Riding in a car was easier on Jamie than flying had been, but she was unable to ride in the front seat as it made her incredibly nauseous.
On June 4
th my younger brother David married his longtime girlfriend Leigh Anna. I served as David’s best man while Jamie was one of Leigh Anna’s bridesmaids. Though she will disagree Jamie looked beautiful in her
maternity bridesmaid’s dress. The wedding was a wonderful time, but made me realize how infrequently we are together with all of our family.
The following week I left Albuquerque for Meghan and Justin’s destination Scotland. Jamie was supposed to come along and even after finding out she was pregnant had toyed with the idea of accompanying me. Ultimately, we decided traveling overseas while pregnant with twins would not be the best idea. I was gone for ten days spending time in London, England and Ft. William Scotland. While in London I purchased a
SIM card with unlimited data from
3 Mobile which allowed me to
Skype with Jamie throughout the trip. Rather than describing everything we did you can check out my
London and a Scottish Wedding photo album.
One unfortunate mishap did occur while I was in Scotland. While hiking down
Ben Nevis I managed to break my ankle. Thinking that the ankle was only sprained I finished the hike, visited a whiskey distillery, attended the wedding, wedding reception, lunch and dinner before going to the hospital. Unbelievably, the United Kingdom provides social healthcare to its citizens and covers noncitizens in emergencies. The healthcare provided to me as a foreigner was on par with any paid healthcare I would have received in the United States. Traveling home with a cast ankle was difficult, but thankfully our friend Hannah was traveling with me and kindly carried my bags.
United Airlines helped me pay Hannah back for her assistance by very nicely upgrading us both to business class for the return trip. If you have never flown
business class I highly recommend it! Upon returning home the doctors in New Mexico put me on bed rest for four days, which is not the easiest thing to accomplish with a seven month pregnant wife. Thankfully, the ankle will not require surgery, however I will be in a walking boot until the end of July.
Twin Progression Update
For the past few months we have been attended one to two doctor appointments a week. Soon these appointments will probably increase to two or three appointments a week. Three weeks ago while I was overseas, breaking my ankle, Jamie had her most recent growth checkup. At this appointment both twins weighed just under three pounds and measured 14 ½ inches. Since this appointment Jamie has had several vitality appointments and regular checkups. From those appointments we know that the twins are healthy scoring full points in all critical areas. Just as importantly we know that Jamie is also doing outstanding. Our next growth appointment is next Friday we will post current statistics after that appointment.
Baby Preparations
While the nursery is painted and the cribs assembled we are missing art work and a glider. Both items are supposed to arrive next week so we will be able to finish the nursery and post photographs. Jamie is very much in the nesting phase so it will be nice to check this important milestone off the list of baby to-dos.
Are you still with me? I know this post was incredibly long, but we wanted to bring everyone who’s been asking us why we haven’t been blogging up to speed. Hopefully, things will slow down over the next couple of weeks before the twins arrive. Speaking of arrival, the doctors are estimating the girls will be here in the early part of August. Here’s hoping they come after my walking boot is off and my department graduation on August 6
Jamie 7 months 2 weeks pregnant with Andrew and his broken ankle. |